welcome to Ibeju Lekki

Ibeju Lekki, Lagos: The Next Hot Spot for Real Estate Investment

Are you considering investing in real estate in Nigeria? Look no further than the Ibeju Lekki area of Lagos state. This rapidly developing region offers a multitude of benefits for investors and is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after areas to invest in. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider investing in Ibeju Lekki now:

Location, Location, Location:

Ibeju Lekki is strategically located on the outskirts of Lagos, providing easy access to the city center and other major areas. It is also home to the Lagos Free Trade Zone, Dangote Refinery, and the Lekki Deep Sea Port, which are all major drivers of economic growth in the region.

Rapid Development:

Ibeju Lekki is currently undergoing massive development and urbanization, making it a prime spot for real estate investments. The government has plans to develop the area into a major commercial and industrial hub, and private developers are also investing heavily in the region. The proposed 4th Mainland bridge that is to connect Lagos island to Ibeju Lekki which is in the pipeline, once completed, would further open up the area and increase its value and accessibility.

Unlock the potential for unparalleled growth with a strategic investment in Ibeju Lekki. Boasting an abundance of proposed international projects, this region is poised to take off and skyrocket your investment returns. Don’t be fooled by the popularity of Lekki Phase one, while it may have proximity to Victoria Island, it lacks the commercial centers and opportunities that Ibeju Lekki offers. Savvy investors have already recognized the potential in this area, now is the time to join them and secure your financial future.

Growing Tourism Industry:

The Ibeju Lekki area is home to several tourist attractions, including the beautiful beaches of Eleko and Akodo, as well as the Lekki Conservation Centre. As tourism continues to grow in Nigeria, investing in the hospitality industry in this area can be a lucrative opportunity.

Affordable Prices:

Real estate prices in Ibeju Lekki are still relatively affordable, making it a great option for first-time investors or those on a budget. As development and demand continue to increase, however, prices are also likely to rise, making it a great opportunity to get in on the ground floor.

Investing in waterfront land in Ibeju Lekki, especially Victoria Brooks Estate, is an opportunity that should not be missed. Back in 2001, waterfront land in Lekki Phase 1 could be purchased for as low as ₦10 million per 1000 sqm. But today, the same type of land is selling for ₦350 million or more. Can you imagine the financial gain if you had invested in waterfront land in Lekki Phase 1 back then?

Now, it’s time to look at the bigger picture and the potential for growth in Ibeju Lekki. The area is set to undergo massive development with proposed international projects and major players investing heavily in the region, making it an ideal location for real estate investment.

Currently, waterfront land in Ibeju Lekki is selling for as low as ₦3 million per plot and has the potential to appreciate to over ₦200 million in a few years.

Victoria lagoon estate ibeju lekki

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to secure your financial future and make history repeat itself by investing in Ibeju Lekki waterfront land. Our team of experts is available to guide you through the process and assist in securing the Global Certificate of Occupancy (C of O). Now is the time to invest and see your property and wealth grow. Contact us today to learn more about this limited-time offer.”

High ROI:

With the rapid development and economic growth in the area, investing in Ibeju Lekki can provide investors with a high return on investment. Many real estate experts predict that property values in the area will continue to increase in the coming years, making it a great long-term investment.

As the home of some of the most exciting multi-billion dollar projects in the region, such as the Dangote Refinery, Lekki Deep Sea Port, Lekki-Epe International Airport, and Lagos-Dubai Smart City, this area is a goldmine of opportunities. Imagine owning a piece of paradise with prestigious beach resorts such as La Campagne Tropicana Beach Resort and having access to world-class amenities such as the Lekki Golf Course. But that’s not all, with over 100 developing derivatives, you can be sure that your investment will always keep growing. Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to join the ranks of smart investors and secure your financial future in Ibeju Lekki.


When it comes to investing in real estate, location is key. And Ibeju Lekki offers investors the perfect combination of location, development potential, and affordability. With the government’s ongoing development plans and the presence of major industrial and commercial players in the area, the potential for growth in this region is immense.

If you’re looking to invest in real estate in Nigeria, Ibeju Lekki should be at the top of your list. The time is now to take advantage of the opportunities this area has to offer.


7 Questions To Ask Before You Buy a Real Estate

When you buy a property, it is important to ask yourself several questions before making the final decision. The answers to these questions will help determine whether or not this real estate investment is good for your needs.

Are you buying a property for your home or for investment?

Before you start your home search, there are two main things to consider. First, is this a home or investment property? Second, do you plan on living on the property for an extended period of time or are you looking to move within three years? There are many reasons why people choose to purchase real estate: some investors prefer rental properties while others buy homes as investments that they can live in. Depending on what type of buyer you are, there will be different pros and cons for each option.

If you’re buying a house for yourself then it’s important to have a plan in place that takes into consideration how long you intend on living there. If this is going to be your primary residence then it’s best if the purchase price fits within your budget and allows room for growth over time. However, if buying real estate purely as an investment then purchasing any type will suffice as long as it meets all financial requirements such as mortgage affordability and potential rental yields (whether it’s short term or long term).

In addition to knowing whether this will be used primarily as a residence versus an investment property – another question worth asking yourself is whether or not now might be the right time for you to buy.

Where is the property located?

Location is the most important factor in purchasing a home, but it is not the only consideration. The location of a property should also take into account proximity to amenities and transport, schools, work, and family or friends.

For example, if you are looking for something close to public transport then you might want to avoid an area within 10km of the Lekki. However, if you would like your children to attend one of Lagos top-performing schools then you may need to look at suburbs closer in distance to Lekki.

What is the price range of the property?

It is important to find out the price range of a property before you make an offer. This can help you avoid paying too much for the home, which might mean having to sell it later at a lower price. Or, if you pay too little for your new home, it could cost more in repairs than what you’re saving on your mortgage payment. You should also consider how long it would take to sell at that price and how much profit (if any) would be left over after all expenses were paid off.

A fair price is one that both parties feel good about, so don’t be afraid to negotiate!

On the other hand, we recommend buying a newly built home. This way you know you are the first to live in the apartment and there won’t be a need to spend additional money on repairs.

Are there any hidden costs?

There are many hidden costs that you should be aware of before buying a home. Here’s a list:

  • Land transfer tax
  • Utilities
  • Insurance
  • Maintenance and repairs (e.g., painting)
  • Renovations (e.g., kitchen and bathroom upgrades)
  • Property management fees
  • Legal fees for closing the deal on your dream house (you’ll likely need to hire an attorney for this)

Read Also: 6 Costs To Consider When Buying An Investment Property

Is there a legal issue with the land?

Before you buy a piece of property, it’s important to make sure that there are no legal issues that could affect you later on. For example, if the seller has not paid taxes on the property for years, you may be responsible for paying those back taxes yourself. Or maybe someone else owns an easement over your plot of land and needs access to it in order to continue using it as they always have. If these things aren’t discovered before purchase, they can cause problems down the road — so be sure to check them out!

Is there an option to sell or rent in the future?

If you’re looking at a property that’s incredibly out-of-the-way, it may not be as valuable in the long run. If you’re buying a home that’s located in a city center and has good access to public transportation, chances are it will be easier for you to sell or rent out.

If you want to sell or rent the property in the future, you need to know about the market. If you are buying for investment, you need to know about the market. If you are buying for home, you need to know about the market.

Are their neighboring estates that will attract potential investors?

A good investment property is one that offers a steady stream of buyers, so make sure to ask about the neighborhood. Is it occupied by residents who will be around for a while? What is the population density in that area? What is the average age of the residents? What’s their average household income? Are they older or younger than you’d expect from your demographic research, and why might that be relevant (e.g., because they’re retired)?

What are the amenities in this area? If it’s near a park, beach, or other highly desirable location then there may be more potential for appreciation over time—but if those attractions get crowded with tourists during peak season then it could affect your ability to rent out your property easily when you need some extra cash flow here and there!

What kind of properties exists nearby: condominiums vs single-family homes; detached houses vs attached townhouses; high-rises vs low-rise apartments; etc.? These things might affect both how much money people spend on them as well as how much work needs to be done before someone can move into one fully furnished ready for occupancy immediately upon purchase date being finalized (e.g., flipping).

There are many questions to ask yourself before buying real estate.

Before you buy a piece of real estate, it is important to ask yourself several questions. These questions will help determine if the property is a good investment, as well as whether or not it will be a safe investment.

You should never rush into making any decision regarding real estate and finances. You should always take time to consider all of your options before making any decisions that could have long-term effects on your life (and your family’s lives) in general. When considering the purchase of land or property, there are four main areas that are especially important: location, price range, legal issues with the land, and other factors such as quality of construction.


If you are looking to buy a home, it is important that you ask yourself many questions before making your final decision. This will help ensure that you make the right choice for both yourself and your family. While buying real estate can be very rewarding, it also requires careful planning and research. If you take these steps into consideration before going forward with any transactions involving land, then chances are high that they will prove successful in the end!

We recommend checking out our fast-selling properties here. Need more help? Feel free to email us.

Make Money With Rental Propeties

5 Best Ways To Make Money With Rental Properties

At the outset, the thought of making money with rental properties may not have been a stroke of genius. However, it is actually a lucrative and profitable occupation that has proven itself to be a great way to increase your net worth over time. If you are looking to start investing in rental properties and putting together your own portfolio, there are five ways that you can make money with rental properties:

Rental property investing is a great way to start making money with real estate. It takes a little bit of hustle, but the opportunity is there to make an easy  5m and above a year by just short letting your property. Trust me when I say you’ll be surprised at the ease of doing business that comes with rental property investing.

You’re familiar with the concept of buying a home and renting it out to generate additional income. But you may not know that you can also do the same thing with rental properties!

Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty details of making money with rental properties, let’s first take a step back and discuss what exactly it means to make money with rental properties.

When you buy a property and rent it out as an investment, you’re essentially putting your money into a business that generates income for you in exchange for money from your tenants. That’s where the term “income stream” comes from! This is also referred to as “passive income” because it relies on the rent payments and other fees collected by landlords.

So how does this work? Let’s say that you buy a N50,000,000 apartment in Lekki Area of Lagos State, and rent it out. You’d be able to collect N5,000,000 to N8,000,000 each year in rent (which is fairly common)—in addition to any other fees collected by landlords—and then use those funds to pay off your mortgage or invest them elsewhere!

With the current demand for rental homes with high-end features and the necessity of being able to pay the mortgage, there’s no better time than the present to be looking into making money with your rental property. With the proper planning of your investment and a little luck, you can turn your investment into a lucrative business.

So without wasting time, let’s dive into the five best ways you can make money from rental properties.

Choose a good location

Choosing a good location for your rental property can make all the difference in your bottom line. Here are some tips for choosing a location:

First and foremost, choose an area that has a history of stable population growth. The more people there are in the area, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to find renters who will pay top dollar for your property.

Choose an area with good schools and access to public transportation. Your prospective renters will need to be able to get around town easily so they can get to work or school and still have time for fun activities, like going out with friends or taking their kids to the park.

Look for neighborhoods that are located close enough to public transportation but not too far from other amenities like grocery stores or restaurants. If you live too far away from these amenities, it could mean that prospective renters don’t want to come into your neighborhood every day because they’d rather drive somewhere closer or use public transportation instead.

Look at crime rates in each neighborhood before making any decisions about moving there permanently! Crime rates can vary wildly depending on where you live; if there’s a lot of crime nearby, then prospective renters might be scared off.

Find the perfect property and buy in bulk

Finding the perfect property is a lot like finding the perfect pair of shoes. You need to find something that fits your body and your lifestyle, but also works with your budget.

But if you want to make money with rental properties, what can you do? One option is to buy in bulk.

Buying in bulk allows you to purchase multiple units at once and then rent them out for a profit. This is a great way to start making money with rental properties because it allows you to buy at least one or two properties for each of the properties you own.

When buying in bulk, though, it’s important to be careful about how much money you put into each property. If there are other factors at play (like location or demographics), buying multiple units might not be worth it.

If you’re looking to buy a rental property, but don’t want to take on the full cost of the property, then you might want to consider buying in bulk.

For example, if you have five properties and you want to buy one of them, then it’s probably better for your financial situation if you buy all five. You’ll save money by having them all under one roof instead of renting them out individually.

You can also combine this with buying multiple houses together so that you’re not left with any empty units after purchasing the first one.

Use the apartment for short stays

If you’re looking for a way to make money with your rental property, one of the best ways to do it is by renting out short-term stays.

It can be hard if you only have one or two units available, but if you have more than that, renting out short stays is a great way to make a lot of money without having to spend much time on maintenance.

The best thing about this type of rental is that you don’t need to worry about tenant issues or other problems that come up when you have long-term tenants because they’re going to move out anyway.

You also won’t have to deal with all of the hassles associated with managing a large number of tenants—all while trying not to go bankrupt!

A 2 bedroom apartment put out for short let can bring in on average N3m annually.

Offer Additional Services and Amenities

If you are looking to make money with rental properties, it’s important to offer additional services and amenities.

For example, if you have a pool that is often used by the residents of your community, offering guests access to the pool might be a good way to attract more customers. If you have space for pets in your rental units, consider offering pet-friendly rentals as well.

In addition, some landlords offer specific amenities that their tenants enjoy. These can include things like a washer and dryer in every unit or a gym on-site. It’s important to note that these types of amenities should be included in the lease agreement so that they are clearly stated before any tenant moves in.

Finally, many landlords offer cleaning services as well as other maintenance tasks such as lawn care or snow removal. While this may not seem like an important service at first glance, it is important to understand how much time and effort will go into maintaining these services if they’re provided on-site instead of through another third-party contractor like moving companies or landscaping companies who do not live nearby themselves (this can cause issues when trying

Know when to sell

When you own a rental property, it’s important to know when to sell. There are many factors that determine when you should sell your property, but ultimately, it will depend on your personal situation.

If you want to sell quickly, you can try to find a buyer who is willing to purchase your property immediately. This might be an option if you need the cash for new investment. You might also want to consider selling in a down market if the housing market has recently bottomed out and prices have begun rising again. However, the prices of houses will keep increasing.

If you’re not sure if it’s time to sell yet, here are some other factors that may help determine when it is:

  • The current market trends (i.e., how fast housing prices are rising or falling)
  • The amount of equity in the property (how much equity has already been paid towards the purchase price of the home)
  • The amount of money tied up in maintaining the property (whether there are maintenance costs associated with keeping up with repairs)


As is probably abundantly clear to you by now, rental properties can be a profitable venture. So if you haven’t dipped your toes into the world of real estate, I’d encourage you to give it a try. It’s never too early or too late to start building wealth. In fact, if you’re a millennial willing to put in the extra legwork and due diligence, this is one of the best times in history to build an investment portfolio. This Internet thing is only going to continue growing, and we all know that real estate tends to keep pace with inflation—not beat it, but follow it closely. So if you believe that the stock market is going up over time (and let’s be honest, there’s no good reason for thinking otherwise), then you should think about shifting some of your investments into bricks instead of clicks. Just remember what we said at the beginning: do your research before taking any action. And as always, thank you for reading!


How To Begin Investing: A Beginners Guide

So you’ve decided to get serious about investing. Excellent! Not only will it provide you with more money to save, but it can also help you feel more secure in your future. However, investing is not as simple as putting your cash into a mutual fund and then forgetting about it for years on end. There are many ways to invest in real estate and other assets, so choosing the right one may require some research on your part. If you’re looking for a guide on how to start investing in real estate then this article is here to help!

Why Should You Invest?

The biggest reason to invest is that it’s a great way to grow your money. When you put your money into investments, you can earn more on top of what the market pays out in dividends and interest. If you put N10,000,000 into an investment today, and that same amount grows at 25% every year for ten years (and there are no taxes or fees), then by the end of ten years, you will have approximately N118m+. We didn’t even take inflation into consideration. Fortunately, real estate even on a small scale in the right location like Ibeju Lekki, Lagos has even potential at the moment to earn over 200% ROI in a year. Do the maths. This is not an exaggeration, it’s a fact.

It Can Be Daunting, But Investing In Real Estate Is Worth The Effort!

It can be daunting, but investing in real estate is worth the effort! It’s important to start with a simple investment strategy and learn more about investing through books, blogs, and forums. You should also attend seminars and meetups to help you make your first few investments. Once you get the hang of it, find other investors who share your interests or goals and work together to achieve them!

What Are The Main Forms Of Real Estate Investment?

There are a number of ways to invest in real estate, including:

  • Rental Properties
  • Flipping properties
  • Long-term hold (buy and hold)
  • Foreclosure investing (buying distressed properties for bargain prices)

Beyond these four main categories, there are other forms of real estate investing that are worth exploring. Here’s a brief overview of each one:

Commercial real estate: This is the buying, owning, and leasing of commercial property for profit. Commercial properties include apartment buildings and complexes, strip malls, office spaces, and more. Foreclosure investing: As a wealthy investor looking for a way to make money with real estate without being an owner-occupant (like renting out an apartment), foreclosure investing may be a good fit for you. This strategy involves buying distressed properties from owners who can no longer afford to pay their mortgages or pay off


A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that owns, operates, or finances commercial properties. Unlike mutual funds, which allow you to invest in multiple people’s portfolios at once, REITs let investors invest directly in real estate companies.

Real estate syndication:

A real estate syndication is when a group of wealthy investors pools their money together to buy properties. The properties are managed by the same firm and then sold for profit.

Real estate crowdfunding:

Real estate crowdfunding is a relatively new way for investors to buy into properties. The investor pays an online platform, like Fundrise or LendingHome, which then uses the money to purchase a property and manage it.

This is a great option for those who want to be hands-off or don’t have time to manage the property themselves. Real estate crowdfunding also allows investors in different locations to invest in properties they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford on their own. Some of these platforms even allow investments as low as N1,000,000.

How To Begin Investing?

Investing is an important part of growing your wealth, so it’s important that you are able to do it successfully. If you’re starting from scratch, there are a few things you should know about how investing works. Here are some tips for beginners.

Begin investing as soon as possible

To get started investing, you could consider using a Robo-advisor. Robo-advisors are online platforms that use algorithms to create and manage your investment portfolio for you. While they don’t offer the same personalized advice as an actual financial advisor, they do provide high-quality portfolios based on your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Robo-advisors also make it easy to get started with as little as N500,000 in your account! If you find that investing through a Robo-advisor doesn’t fit your needs, there are other ways to invest in real estate, and that’s by reaching out to a reputable real estate company like Elitewise Homes Limited. We offer a free consultation to help understand your financial needs as well as proffer solutions with great investment options.

Decide how much you want to invest

The first thing you need to decide is how much of your money you can afford to invest. This is a personal decision, but here are some factors that may help guide your decision:

  • How much can I spend on my lifestyle?
  • How much will this investment affect my retirement?
  • What would happen if I didn’t invest?

Once you’ve answered these questions, it’s time to set up a budget and figure out how much money should be invested each month. If possible, consider setting aside an amount equal to the total amount of debt in your life (mortgage payments, credit card bills).

Set up an investment account

You now have a good idea of what you want to invest in, and where you might find the best deals. Now it’s time to set up an investment account.

You’ll need:

  • A real estate investment firm (REI) that can either buy the property for you or manage it as a rental unit for you
  • A specialized broker who focuses on your type of investment
  • A broker who has a good reputation for providing high-quality service
  • Make sure the broker is licensed and registered

Identify your investment options

There are many different types of investments out there, and it’s important to identify which ones will be right for you.

Investment options include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and more. Each type of investment comes with a risk level that’s appropriate for your financial situation. For example: If you have N10m to invest and want to earn high returns in the short term (1 year), then investing in stocks might not be the best option since they’re usually considered riskier than other investments like bonds or real estate.

If you’re just starting out in life (late teens/the early 20s) but don’t have much money saved up yet…you might want to disregard this advice because those really low-risk annuities aren’t going anywhere anytime soon!

Choose an investment strategy

Choosing a strategy that suits you is important because it will determine how much risk you are willing to take on. As with any investment, there is always some level of risk involved. The greater the risk, the higher the return potential but this is not true with real estate. Most times we tell people, that real estate is the only investment with high ROI and minimal risk, even no risk at all when you invest through a reputable real estate development company.

Investing in stocks, for example, is generally considered riskier than investing in bonds or real estate because stocks are less stable than other investments and can lose value quickly if market conditions change rapidly (such as during an economic downturn). However, they also have higher potential returns over time because their value can increase significantly due to company performance or changing industry trends—as long as those increases aren’t offset by losses if stocks happen to drop in value as well.

If your goal is to make steady returns over many years instead of trying to build wealth quickly then it would make sense for you not to invest too heavily into stocks since they’re likely going to be more volatile during those times when economic conditions get tough (like during recessions). This means that keeping some money safely invested over long periods might mean missing out on gains from having more aggressive portfolios but at least there won’t be any big losses either!


I am glad you decided to invest in real estate. You have made a great choice and will be able to reap the rewards in the future. Remember, it is important that you make sure that your investment strategy is one that fits your goals!

Schedule a free consultation now with us. Use the contact form to get to us and we will be in touch wit you as soon as possible.

Don’t forget to share this with family and friends.


Buying A New House: The Ultimate Guide For First-Time Home Buyers

Buying a new house is exciting. It’s also stressful and complicated. There are so many moving parts that can go wrong, but it doesn’t have to be that way! In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about buying a new home from start to finish so you can enjoy the fun parts of owning your own place without worrying about all the things that could go wrong along the way.

Why buy a new house instead of renting?

Owning a home is a good investment.

Instead of paying rent, you can invest the money you save into your down payment and go from there. And when you buy a new house, it’s going to be more valuable once you sell it—and the appreciation on a new home is usually higher than that of an older one because it hasn’t been lived in for as long (meaning fewer wear-and-tear issues). After all, who wants to buy an old house with outdated plumbing and electrical wiring? Of course, if you plan on sticking around for a while then this isn’t important; but if not then new construction is definitely worth considering!

You can customize your living space however you like.

New houses come with built-in features like air conditioning or fireplaces—not all rentals do! You also have more control over how much space each room needs before deciding whether or not it works well enough for what needs doing in there (like sleeping/playing games).

How much can you afford?

You should be able to afford the house and the mortgage payments as well as taxes, insurance, maintenance, and repairs.

In addition to being able to pay for the house itself, you should be able to afford all of its other costs. These include property taxes (which vary depending on where you live), homeowner’s insurance (the cost of which can vary greatly based on location and size of your home), maintenance (which includes such things as mowing your lawn), and utilities (like water).

What is your credit score and how does it impact your home loan?

It is important to understand the importance of your credit score before you buy a home. A good score will help you qualify for better rates and lower fees. A bad one may lead to higher costs or even disqualification from some lenders. If you’re wondering where your scores stand, they’re easy to check online (try Credit Karma).

While there are many factors that go into determining whether or not someone qualifies for a mortgage loan, including their income and assets as well as their debt-to-income ratio, the most important factor is their credit score. The higher it is, the fewer risk banks see in lending them money; conversely, if your score isn’t high enough you may need more cash on hand in order to cover closing costs which can range anywhere between 2% and 10% of your loan amount (depending on where you live).

What kind of mortgage are you looking for?

There are three main types of mortgages: fixed, variable, and tracker.

Fixed mortgages remain at the same rate throughout their term. This is a good choice for someone who wants to keep their repayments the same each month and knows they won’t be selling or moving house within five years. If you think your circumstances will change during the length of your mortgage, then a fixed rate may not be right for you.

Variable rates move up and down with changes in CBN base rate – which happens every few months – so depending on where interest rates are going in relation to when your term ends, this could result in either cheaper or more expensive repayments over time compared with a fixed mortgage (see our guide on what interest-only mortgages are). However, because lenders usually offer more competitive deals when they’re trying to attract new business from borrowers who have never had their own home before (or haven’t done so for many years), if you’re buying for the first time then we’d recommend taking advantage of these introductory offers as long as there’s no penalty attached if you decide against moving over into one later on down the track (such as being charged extra fees).

What do you prefer, a townhouse or a single-family home?

You may be wondering whether you should buy a townhouse or a single-family home. Here are the pros and cons of each:

Townhouse Pros:

  • You live in your own house, but it’s part of a small community with shared amenities.
  • Maintenance costs are often lower because you don’t have to take care of the exterior of your home; this is typically done by an HOA (homeowner’s association).
  • You have no yard work or landscaping chores to worry about, which makes for less hassle than owning a larger property would require.

Townhouse Cons:

  • If all the units on your street are rented out, then you won’t have much interaction with neighbors unless someone moves away and leaves their place empty for a while—which can sometimes happen!

Single Family Home Pros:

You live in a house like everyone else on your block. It feels more private than living in an apartment building or condo unit because nobody is above or below you. There’s also plenty of room for kids to play outside without having to worry about them getting hurt from traffic passing by, which could happen in some neighborhoods where streets are narrow and cars often speed down them at high speeds.

Single Family Home Cons:

It’s harder to get approved for a mortgage if you have bad credit because lenders don’t want their money going towards something that will probably never be paid off in full. You also won’t benefit from any tax breaks that come with owning property.

If you prefer the privacy of a single-family home, then be prepared to sacrifice some convenience. Townhouses are typically located in a neighborhood where all the homes have similar layouts and features such as shared walls between units. This means that if one person lives above another, there’s less noise coming from upstairs than what might happen if they were separated by different floors.

How much money do you need to put down?

If you’re a first-time home buyer and have some money saved up, you can put down as much as 20% on your home. This will reduce the amount of money that you have to borrow, which will lower your monthly mortgage payments. If a 20% down payment isn’t possible for now, remember that this is just one way to save more cash over time. You can also look into saving in other ways such as decreasing your spending habits or investing in mutual funds or stocks.

Whether or not you plan on paying off your house quickly, putting down more than 10% is always recommended because it could help with getting approved for loans and saving time during each part of the home buying process (applying for mortgages and inspections).

Should you use a realtor when buying a house and how to find an experienced real estate agent?

On the real estate side of things, you’ll be working with a real estate agent. A realtor is a person who works as an intermediary between buyers and sellers of properties, as well as manages the entire transaction from beginning to end. Their job is to help find the right home for you at an affordable price while also making sure that your interests are protected throughout this process.

The first step to finding a good Realtor is to do some research on them beforehand so that you know what type of experience they have had in your area and what kinds of homes they specialize in selling or buying. Check their website or portfolio for examples of their work. You can also ask friends or family members who recently bought houses if they had any recommendations; sometimes word-of-mouth referrals can lead us down wonderful paths!

Once you’ve decided on someone who seems promising enough based on all these factors listed above; it’s time now to take action! Again though: keep in mind that this isn’t something which should happen overnight—it’s important not to rush into anything because doing so could cause more harm than good when trying new things out.”

If you are looking for a reliable real estate agent with proven track records on Lagos Island, then we at Elitewise Homes Limited are here to help; having helped hundreds of clients within and outside Nigeria secure great real estate investments right in Lagos Island axis. Do reach out to us today

Do you want to buy a new house in the city or in the suburbs? Does the school district matter?

  • How important is the school district?
  • Do you want to buy a new house in the city or in the suburbs? Does the school district matter?
  • The city or suburbs: what are your options and what are the pros and cons of each one?

You may also be wondering about whether it’s more exciting to live in a big city, or quieter and more peaceful to live outside of one. The answer will depend on your personality type, but there are other factors that should influence your decision as well. Here’s a breakdown of some important considerations when thinking about whether to buy a new house in the city or in suburbia:

When should you start looking for homes and what exactly does this entail?

The next question you’re probably asking yourself is when to start looking for homes. The answer to this question depends on your situation, but it’s generally best to begin looking as soon as possible. Your real estate agent can help you narrow down the list of potential homes by using their knowledge of the area and past clients’ experiences. The more information you have about what types of properties are available in your area, the easier it’ll be for them—and ultimately, you—to find one that fits all of your needs.

After finding a few houses that seem like a good fit for your needs and price range, it’s time to decide which one is right for you! But before getting into specifics about what makes each house unique (that comes later), there are some questions we need answers to; What exactly does this entail? How long should I look at houses before making my final decision? And how much time do I spend visiting each property while searching? As with any big decision in life (or business), there will always be pros and cons associated with every option available.

Is it possible to buy a new house with no money down if I am a first-time home buyer who has never owned property before?

If you’re a first-time home buyer and have never owned a property before, it is definitely possible to buy a home with no money down. In fact, there are several ways that you can do this.

Here are some of the most common scenarios in which homeowners may be able to purchase a new home with no money down:

  • The homeowner has enough equity in their current home to transfer it into their name (also known as “cash out refinance”).
  • The homeowner has been approved for an FHA loan and will use their personal savings account or retirement funds as part of their down payment requirements.
  • The homeowner has been approved for an FHA loan and will use gifts from friends or family members toward their down payment requirements.

Things to keep in mind

  • You need to make sure you have enough time to sell your home.
  • You need to make sure you have enough time to close on the new home.
  • You need to make sure you have enough time to move into the new house or apartment, as well as get used to living in a completely different area and neighborhood than what you’re used to before closing day arrives!
  • When will we get the keys? Will they take care of all these things before they leave so we don’t have any problems with the moving company?


We hope this guide has been helpful in answering all your questions about buying a new house. It’s not an easy process, but there are many resources out there to help you along the way. If you’re ready to start searching for your dream home today, check out our list of top real estate agents who specialize in helping first-time home buyers locate the perfect property at an affordable price point!


5 Tips To Choose The Right Property To Invest In Nigeria

If you’re thinking of investing in real estate in Nigeria in 2022, there are a lot of factors to consider. Prices for property can vary by neighborhood, type of building, and even the quality of the floor plan. In addition, there are several different types of investment properties that can help diversify your portfolio or supplement income every month. But before you plunk down thousands (or even millions) on a home, be sure to do your research first! Here are five steps I recommend taking before making any purchase:

Know the property market you want to invest in

Knowing the property market you want to invest in is vital. If you’re investing in Lekki lagos, for example, you need to know that houses are selling at a premium and apartments are not. So if your plan is to buy an apartment and rent it out for a good return on investment (ROI), then you might be in for a rude awakening when you find out how much more expensive it would be than buying a house.

If there’s one thing I learned from my experience as a real estate developer in Lagos, it’s that all markets go up eventually but not all markets go down equally fast either!

The best way to navigate this knowledge gap is by doing research on what kind of properties are currently being sold and what areas they’re being sold at so that we can make informed decisions before jumping into any new project or investment opportunity with both feet.

Pick a property at a reasonable price

The easiest way to determine whether a property is a right investment for you is by looking at the monthly mortgage repayment.

You should be able to comfortably afford the mortgage repayments, and any repairs that may arise, and still have money left over for council tax, insurance, and other expenses. If this isn’t feasible, it’s time to look at cheaper properties in your area.

Choose the right location

Location is an investment’s most important factor. A Location will always be the most important aspect of any property purchase, but it’s not everything.

If you’re a first-time investor, then location should be your primary consideration because this gives you more flexibility in terms of what type of property and how much risk you want to take on as an investor. If you’re a buy-and-hold investor looking for stable high yields over time, then location isn’t as vital – but still incredibly important – because it determines whether or not your rental properties will turn into money machines or steady streams of income that barely keep their heads above water. And finally, if you plan to rent out your property yourself (or through a management company) then location plays no role whatsoever; all that matters is whether or not there are enough willing tenants within walking distance from each other so that they can form neighborhoods around them instead of being forced into car-dependent lifestyles by landlords who don’t care about them or their safety because they’re just another Naira sign showing up every month like clockwork!

Research the level of demand and rental yield

The rental yield is the percentage return on investment, and it can be calculated by dividing the annual rent by the price of the property. If you’re buying an N50,000,000 house with tenants already in place paying N300,000 per month, your monthly net income from this property would be N300,000 x 12 = N3,600,000 annually. If there is no tenant or mortgage payment due to your purchase being all-cash, then your annual net income would actually be higher.

So how do you know what kind of rental yields are available in an area? Well firstly let’s look at some figures for median price versus median rent for Lagos cities:

  • Median Rent (2020): N146,600 monthly with exception of short let rentals which can carry from N70,000 per night up to N350,000 per night.
  • Median Home Value (2020): 1/2% =N21,000,000

This means that if rents stayed constant from 2020 until now while home values rose by 50%, then one could expect to see their property increase over time by 100% (2 x 51%) based purely on appreciation alone!

Read the fine print when buying an off-the-plan property

Reading the fine print is important when you buy an off-the-plan property. The fine print is the contract, terms, and conditions, conditions of sale, contract of sale, and contract of purchase.

Read Also:

Be sure to do your research!

  • As an investor, it is important to know what you are getting into.
  • You should also know the market, as well as the location and property of the property that you are about to buy.
  • Keep in mind that there is a level of demand for properties in your area. The higher the demand, then the more expensive it will be to purchase a property!


We hope these tips will help you make an informed decision when choosing your next investment property. Remember, it’s important to do your research, as well as consider the location and price of the property. Make sure that it has a good rental yield so that you can earn some money off of it once it’s rented out! And remember: when buying an off-the-plan property, read through all the fine print before signing anything or parting with your money.


10 Tips for Investing in Real Estate in 2022


Real estate is one of the best ways to build wealth over time and protect yourself from inflation. In fact, real estate has shown positive returns in all but two economic cycles since World War II. But if you’re new to investing in this area, you may not know how to get started or what kinds of properties are worth buying. Here are some tips that can help you make money by investing in real estate:

Buy a fixer-upper.

Fixer-uppers can be a great investment. If you’re looking to buy a fixer-upper, it can be an attractive investment for first-time real estate investors. Fixer-uppers might seem like a daunting task to take on, but they can be good investments if done right. The best way to get into real estate investing is with a fixer-upper!

Rent out part of your house.

Renting out a room in your house can be a great way to earn some extra cash. If you have the space, consider renting out that spare bedroom for extra income. Alternatively, you could rent out the garage or basement, if applicable.

If you’ve got the time and energy to commit to managing tenants (which means dealing with screening applications and screening prospective tenants), this is one of the most surefire ways of earning money on real estate investment properties.

Work with a real estate agent familiar with investment properties.

Working with a real estate agent who is familiar with investment properties is one of the best ways to ensure that you are investing in the right property. Real estate agents have a lot of experience with investment properties and can help you find the best property for your situation. They also know how to navigate the market, which makes it easier for you to buy or sell your home or land. Finally, if you are going to borrow money from a lender for your investment property, having an experienced real estate agent will help make sure that this process goes smoothly and efficiently

Factor in the costs of repairs and upgrades, as well as closing costs.

When you’re looking for a property to buy, take into account the cost of repairs and upgrades. This can include things like new appliances or carpeting, but it also includes hiring a contractor to fix structural problems like a leaky roof or foundation issues.

If you’re buying an existing home, consider how much time and money it will take to make what you want out of it—especially if you plan on living in or renting the property out later. Depending on what kind of work is needed, some projects may be easier than others: Remodeling an older kitchen with basic fixtures can cost less than renovating one that doesn’t have cabinets at all (or maybe even lacks electricity).

Closely examine any potential properties’ budgets before making offers so that there aren’t any surprises down the road!

Read Also: 6 Costs To Consider When Buying An Investment Property

Consider investing in vacation homes or short-term rentals.

When investing in real estate, vacation homes and short-term rentals can be a great way to diversify your portfolio. They can also be a great source of income.

If you’re considering buying rental properties, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Look for properties you’ll enjoy owning. It will be easier on your budget if you purchase a home that matches your lifestyle and interests.
  • Consider whether or not the property is likely to attract renters (and their money). A house that’s close to downtown could provide an easy commute for young professionals looking for apartments near work; meanwhile, a space that backs up against hiking trails might be attractive to people seeking outdoor adventure without having to drive far from home.

You may like: 5 Best Ways To Make Money With Rental Properties

Buy a property near transit and amenities, or in areas that are up and coming

Transit is both an amenity for buyers and a good investment for sellers. It’s also a safe bet for the future: people will always need to get from one place to another, so having transit nearby means your property will be more desirable than similar properties without it.

Consider looking at non-residential properties.

Non-residential properties are those that aren’t designed for residential use, such as office buildings and warehouses. These kinds of real estate can be a good option for investors who want to diversify their portfolios because they offer a large profit margin and are less likely to experience depreciation than other types of properties.

For example, if you buy an office building for $100 million, it’s unlikely that the value will drop significantly over time—and if it does, you’ll have time on your side: there’s no need for urgency when buying non-residential properties like this one (aside from needing enough money in your bank account). With these sorts of investments, you’re better off taking your time and making sure the price is right before committing to anything.

Buy distressed properties.

Buying distressed properties is one way to get a good deal on a property. This can be true for both residential and commercial properties, as well as those that are currently in foreclosure or have been foreclosed on.

The simplest way to buy a distressed property is by purchasing one that has gone into foreclosure and is being sold at auction. However, it may also be possible for investors to purchase homes under less extreme circumstances—for example, if the homeowner owes more than their home is worth but doesn’t want to sell at today’s market price because they believe that prices will go up in the future (or maybe even if they just want more time before they have to move out).

Join an investment club to learn more about how the real estate market works.

An investment club is a good way to learn about real estate investing because it forces you to interact with your peers and hear their perspectives. You’ll get a better understanding of the market, and other people’s strategies and be exposed to new ideas that can help you grow as an investor.

Investment clubs are also great because they are a great way for beginners to learn about financing options. You’ll be able to see how other investors have found success in their investments by using these kinds of programs and processes. This can help give you more confidence when approaching banks, lenders, or other institutions as well.

Finally, joining an investment club is good because it’s another opportunity for networking with professionals who may want to offer services later on down the road (such as legal advice).

Invest in real estate abroad.

Investing in real estate abroad can be a good way to diversify your portfolio. Some countries, like Nigeria, have established travelers’ markets for short-term rentals of properties. You can use online services that manage bookings and payments, or you might consider partnering with local agencies who know the ins and outs of renting out a vacation home. This type of investment may be especially lucrative if you’re an owner living abroad; some countries allow renters to deduct part of their rental income as business expenses on their taxes.

There are many different ways to make money by investing in real estate

There are many different ways to make money by investing in real estate, and the most important thing you can do is find an investment strategy that fits your goals and lifestyle.

  • Real estate investment can be a good way to diversify your portfolio
  • There are many different types of real estate investments, including short-term rentals, vacation rental platforms (like Airbnb), syndicating a property with investors, and more. Learn about each type of investment so that you know what kind of risks and rewards each involves before deciding which one is right for you.


In conclusion, we have a lot to look forward to when it comes to investing in real estate. With so many different ways to make money and so many places where opportunities are growing, we’ve got good things on the horizon as long as you keep an eye out for them!


How to Find the Right Property for Your Investment Needs


There are many things to consider when buying a property for investment. It’s important that you understand what your goals are and how the property will fit into them. You may be looking for income from the rental or trying to keep the home as an appreciation play. There are different strategies for each scenario, so it’s important that you know what they are before making an offer on anything.

Understand the difference between investing for cash flow and appreciation.

When considering a property for investment, it’s essential to understand the difference between investing for cash flow and appreciation. Cash flow is the amount of money that comes in from rent, while appreciation is an increase in the value of your property.

Investing for cash flow is a good way to make money since you can use that income to fund the next investment. However, if you want to maximize profits and recoup some of your initial investment costs faster than investing purely based on cash flow, then it’s helpful to think about how much appreciation will factor into your decision as well.

Be knowledgeable about your investment goals.

It’s important to understand what you are trying to achieve by investing in real estate. For example, say you want a certain return on your investment and want to limit your risk as much as possible. Or maybe you’re looking for long-term appreciation as opposed to short-term gains. Understanding these things will help determine whether or not buying a multifamily property would be right for you based on the type of investment goals above.

However, if done correctly and with experience in real estate investing (which comes from the time), owning multiple units can be very beneficial because of their ability to provide passive income through rental income and positive cash flow from expenses such as repairs and maintenance costs being covered by tenants’ rent payments each month instead of out of pocket by homeowners like most other properties might require before becoming profitable investments themselves after purchase costs have been paid off which typically take anywhere between 1 – 10 years depending on factors such as amount invested/debt burden ratio etcetera…

Know a target area for your investment property.

The first step in finding the right property for your investment needs is to know a target area. Knowing this will help you determine if it’s a good investment and if there are any risks associated with purchasing property in that area.

First, let’s talk about what a target area is. A target area is an area where you would like to invest because of its potential growth over time, its proximity to where you live or work, or simply because it feels right when you look at the numbers (like price/rent ratio). This means that you’re looking for something that has potential as an investment property but also works as an overall location in which to live.

Once you have identified your target areas, begin researching them further by looking up information on MLS listings and asking around with realtors who specialize in investing so they can give specific advice tailored specifically for their client’s needs (as opposed to general advice). When putting together this research ask yourself: does this location seem like it could be profitable? Will other investors be interested in buying properties here? Does it fit my criteria?

Find homes in that target area that are a good fit for you.

Once you have a target area, it’s time to start looking for properties. However, before you do so, it’s important to make sure that the homes you’re looking at are a good fit for your investment goals. For example: if you’re looking at properties in an area that has traditionally been targeted by investors but want to live in the house yourself after five years and rent it out starting in year six, then be sure that there are enough renters nearby that will keep paying rent once they move into their new home (and not just because they like living there). If not, consider another property like one where everyone is already renting when they move out of their old place or one where most of them are moving out within six months so that you can fill up with new tenants quickly and easily.

You may like: The Top 5 Trends in the Real Estate Market This Year

Understand the market analysis.

The first thing you need to do is understand the market analysis. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most important things is to look at the data. You need to look at trends and see if they’re going up or down and why.

You should also consider different factors like competition, pricing, and history when making your decision about the property. For example, if there’s a lot of competition in a particular area then you may want to avoid it because it would be harder for you to turn a profit on each sale compared with another location where there isn’t as much competition (and therefore higher prices). It’s also important not only what price was paid in previous transactions but also how long ago those transactions took place; some areas may have seen values rise significantly since 2005 while others haven’t changed much at all during that time period.”

Read Also: 6 Costs To Consider When Buying An Investment Property

Consider the home’s condition compared to its price.

The first thing you should do is consider the home’s condition compared to its price. If you find a fixer-upper that has been on the market for months or even years, it might be tempting to think “Hey, I can make this property profitable!” However, don’t ignore the fact that there may be something wrong with it that hasn’t been mentioned in its listing.

If the home is dirty and neglected but priced below market value, this could be a sign that something disastrous could happen if you buy it at such a low price—i.e., your investment won’t pay off due to unexpected repairs. On the other hand, if your dream house looks as though it was built by angels (and priced accordingly), then consider whether or not an angel should live there instead of yourself!

On top of these considerations when looking at properties for sale:

Get an inspection before you close on your property.

  • Get a home inspection.
  • Get a home warranty.
  • Get a pest inspection.
  • Request an appraisal of the property you want to buy, even if it’s already been appraised before.
  • Ask for an estimate on your insurance costs so you can budget accordingly.

If you understand how the property will be part of your portfolio, you are well on your way to making smart decisions about it

If you have been investing in real estate for a while, it’s likely that you understand the difference between an investment property and one that is just your home. But if this is your first time buying a house, or if you are looking to increase the number of properties that you own, it may be helpful to think about how each house can fit into your portfolio.

There are two main reasons people choose to invest: appreciation and cash flow. If you’re investing for appreciation alone, then it makes sense for us to buy on the nicer side of town because we want our investment to be worth more as soon as possible—and there will always be some value in having a nice-looking yard. If instead, we want good cash flow from our rental properties (i.e., money coming in from tenants every month), then we’d probably be better served by looking at homes with less expensive repairs required when they move out so that we don’t lose money paying their rent while their unit gets fixed up again after they leave (which means finding units where tenants aren’t likely to stay very long).

Ask yourself what kind of investor I am. Do I want quick profit? Or do I love real estate enough so much as where I’m living now never feels like home without one?”


The property you choose for your investment portfolio can be a good way to diversify your portfolio and add some value. As with any investment, there are risks involved. But if you do your homework first, then make sure the property is in a good location and has potential for appreciation, you can reduce those risks while maximizing returns on your money.


The Top 5 Trends in the Real Estate Market This Year


The real estate market is always changing, but this year will be especially interesting. Interest rates are increasing, which could make it more expensive for buyers to get a mortgage. Millennials are getting older and coming into their own as homebuyers, while Baby Boomers continue to downsize as they get older. As these trends play out in the coming months, it will be important to keep an eye on where prices are rising the most—and which cities aren’t seeing much increase at all.

Prices Will Rise More in Some Cities Than Others

In the real estate market, prices are rising in some cities and countries. Prices are also rising in some areas, neighborhoods, and even specific homes. The question is: where? The answer is that it depends on what you’re looking for. If you want your home to be near a park or downtown area with lots of restaurants, then consider buying somewhere close to these amenities A good example is properties around Ibeju Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria.

If you want more space for less money (or vice versa), then look at purchasing a home outside of the city center but still within commuting distance from work or school if possible—and maybe even closer than that if possible!

Interest Rates Are Increasing

Interest rates are on the rise, and that’s good for buyers. The CBN has increased the interest rates to 14% and there are changes for further increase.

If you’re looking to buy a home in the next few months, now is the time. Interest rates have been rising since last year and are expected to continue throughout 2022. If you plan on staying in your current home for more than three years (or if you’re ready to refinance), this will also be a good year for you as well.

The conditions of today’s market make it ideal for both buyers and sellers — but interest rates aren’t expected to remain at these levels forever. In fact, some experts predict they could continue rising until 2023 or 2024! Others expect them to fall by 2022 before stabilizing again during 2023-2024. The truth is: that no one knows exactly what will happen with interest rates over the next couple of years—but we can say with confidence that there’s no bad time for buying or selling real estate right now!

Homeownership Will Attract New Demographics

  • Millennials are renting longer.

In 2017, the majority of single-family home buyers were millennials (24 to 44 years old). This demographic was also the largest group of homebuyers in 2018 and 2019. As a result, there is an increase in demand for more affordable homes with less space.

  • Millennials are living with their parents longer.

Due to this trend, many first-time buyers are choosing to buy homes that already have furniture or appliances included (or at least offer those options). The average size of new construction homes is already dropping—and it’s only going to get smaller as more people live together under one roof than ever before!

Millennials Will Begin to Buy in Larger Numbers

As the largest generation in history, and one that has been held back by student loan debt, millennials will begin buying homes in larger numbers. According to a report from Freddie Mac, millennials will jump from being just about one-third of home buyers this year to nearly half by 2025. This is good news for anyone looking to sell their house quickly and easily!

To put it another way: Millennials will buy more houses than any other generation before them—more than Generation X (born between 1965 and 1980), Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), their parents’ generation (Generation X) or even their grandparents’ generation (Baby Boomers).

Read Also: 6 Costs To Consider When Buying An Investment Property

Homes Will Get Smaller and Smarter

The buildings themselves will look a lot different, too. Experts predict that homes in 2023 will be smaller and smarter, as well as more energy efficient, sustainable, and built with better insulation.

“We’re talking about smart homes,” said Brian Fagan of the Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver (REBGV). “You’re going to see a lot of new products coming on line to make your home more efficient.”

For one thing, buildings will get smaller: The average detached home size dropped from 1,903 sq ft in 2016 to 1,825 sq ft last year—and it’s expected to keep shrinking into this decade. That’s partly due to skyrocketing land values that have made it necessary for developers to build up instead of out (i.e., by using vertical space rather than horizontal), but it’s also because people like having less space in their lives these days. “People are working longer hours,” Fagan said; “[they] don’t want the burden of maintaining larger properties.”

The real estate market keeps evolving. Keep up with the latest trends.

  • The real estate market is always changing.
  • It’s important to stay up to date on the latest trends and movements in the market.
  • The real estate market is constantly evolving, so it’s important to keep up with the latest trends if you want to succeed as a seller or buyer.


As we’ve seen, the real estate market is always changing, and this year is no exception. From rising interest rates to a shift in demographics, there are plenty of factors that could affect your bottom line. We hope you’ve found some useful information in this article! If you have any questions about what these trends mean for your investment strategy or how they might affect you personally, please contact us today.


Top 5 Best Real Estate Companies In Lagos, Nigeria, 2022


Lagos is fast becoming a booming city for real estate. With the rapid increase in population, homes are being built at an alarming rate to accommodate the influx of residents. There’s also been a surge in people selling their homes and buying newer ones that better suit their tastes and needs. If you’re looking to buy or sell property in Lagos then you’ll need to work with a good real estate company that will help you find your dream home.

Elitewise Homes Ltd

Elitewise Homes Ltd is a real estate company based in Lagos, Nigeria. The company is fully focused on the provision of excellent customer service and quality real estate services to home buyers and sellers in Lagos. They have been serving customers for over 5 years and have gained a reputation for delivering high-quality products and services at very affordable prices. Their commitment to quality services has made them a leader in the industry, with clients from all backgrounds including first-time buyers, families looking for homes or apartments for rent or sale, investors seeking new property developments or refurbishments, or investors looking to buy existing properties at attractive rates.

They build their brand based on honesty, transparency, and certainty, redefining relationships with shareholders through a technologically driven process and innovative service offerings.

List of real estate Properties They Pride on.

They also have plots of land to their name within Ibeju-Lekki axis and close to the Lekki Free Trade zone, Dangote Refinery, Deep Sea Ports, and the new Airports. Elitewise Homes brings to you a masterpiece of an estate with up-to-date infrastructure and amenities. Investment in Any of the Victoria Brooks Estate comes with an instant allocation and a Return On Investment (ROI) – 50% to 200% return on investment in the next 24 months. making your investment safe, and secure, and guarantees a massive and instant return on investment. These estates are within 24 hours secured with security gating, dry land, and no Omonile wahala.

They offer a very flexible payment plan and make it easy for most classes of people to easily own property.

Read more about Elitewise Homes Ltd here

Landwey Investment Limited

Landwey Investment Limited is a real estate company located in Lagos, Nigeria. It is a property development company that builds houses and apartments. The company was established in August 2002 by its current CEO, Mr. Olawale Ayilara. Landwey Investment Limited has been at the forefront of providing quality services to Nigerians since its inception and continues to do so to date through its trustworthiness and good track record with customers who are always satisfied with their services.

Adron Homes and Properties Ltd

Adron Homes and Properties Ltd is a real estate company in Lagos, Nigeria. The company specializes in the sales of properties in Lagos, Nigeria.

Adron Homes and Properties Ltd offers a wide range of services to its clients, including property management and maintenance services. The company also provides financial planning solutions to individuals looking to purchase their first property or those who are ready for retirement; this includes helping you get mortgage loans from banks.

 Veritasi Homes and Properties Limited

Veritasi Homes and Properties Limited was founded in 2018, and it’s rapidly becoming one of the most sought-after real estate companies in Lagos, Nigeria.

The company is run by a team of highly experienced professionals who have been working together for years. Their dedication to their work has led them to develop a reputation for being reliable, efficient, and trustworthy.

Veritasi Homes and Properties Limited is committed to providing excellent service to its clients. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with their helpdesk team available at all times. All calls are answered promptly and professionally.

Veritasi Homes and Properties Limited offers a wide range of properties to rent or sell in Lagos including apartments and houses for rent or sale as well as commercial spaces for rent or sale including office suites. Their services include property management, tenant relations management, property management training courses along with other related services such as free legal advice on tenancy issues and property maintenance.

PWAN Group

PVAN Group is a Nigerian real estate company that came into existence in 2001. Since its inception, PVAN Group has grown to be one of the leading real estate companies in Nigeria.

PWAN Homes is committed to providing quality services to its clients while maintaining a high level of professionalism at all times. This can be seen through their customer service team which works hard to ensure that clients have an amazing experience with the company every time they visit their office or make an inquiry about a specific property listed on their website!

Real estate companies in Lagos 2022

These Real estate companies in Lagos 2022 are no doubt the best when it comes to providing services and they have not failed to live up to this expectation in terms of quality. The following is a list of some real estate companies that have been able to stand out among others:

  • [Elitewise Homes Ltd](https://www.elitewisehomes.com/)
  • [Landwey Investment Limited](https://www.landweylagosrealestate.com/)
  • [Adron Homes and Properties Ltd](https://adronhomesandproperties.com/)
  • [Veritasi Homes and Properties Limited](https://veritasihomes.com/)


Lagos is a city of beauty and resources. It is home to some of the best real estate companies in Nigeria, which offer high-quality services to their clients. These companies help people through their buying or selling process by providing them with the guidance they need at an affordable price. We hope this article has helped you find the right one for you!